Young people from sixth class to sixth year in secondary school are invited to read the intentions of the Prayer of the Faithful at Weekend Masses in Barryroe parish
This would be at 10:00am on Sundays at Church of Our Lady, Star of the Sea (Barryroe) and at 7:30pm on Saturday evening Vigil Mass Sacred Heart Church, Courtmacsherry.
The sign-up page can be downloaded here
Parents/guardians are invited to complete the page with their child(ren) and drop a hard copy to school, either sacristy, or to the parochial house.
Alternatively, a completed copy can be uploaded here
resumes on
Monday 23 September 2024
2:30pm to 4:30pm
Butlerstown Hall
New members are most welcome
If you are aged 55 years or over and would like some social interaction with others in the area, why not come along. We usually meet once a fortnight.
Transport can be arranged to and from the meetings for anyone who may need it.
For further information please contact:
Kathleen Holland 086 386 4397
Marian O'Brien 086 345 8764
We invite you to explore Alpha on Wednesday evenings
All are welcome regardless of age, so do come along for the first evening and see what you think!
Numbers are limited so please reserve your place..