How the Parish got the name Barryroe

The history of the name Barryroe for the Parish is quite complicated. To summarise, ‘Barry’ has its roots in the lands under the patronage of Saint Barruch being given to a Norman (therefore French) military clan calling themselves the people of Barruch i.e. de Barri. The ‘Roe’ part refers to Lawrence Barry (c. 1400) who was named Red Barry possibly because he had a red complexion or even red hair? Ruadh is Irish for Red so Barra Ruadh or Barraí Rua anglicised became Barryroe.

The Parish includes townlands such as of Abbeymahon, Ardgehane, Ballycremond, Butlerstown, Carrigeen, Courtmacsherry (where Courtmacsherry Church is), Donaghmore, Dunworly, Grange More/Beg, Lehenagh, Lislevane, Shanaghobarravane, Ternanean (where Barryroe Parish Church is).


Family of Parishes

Barryroe Parish is one of the six  Family of Parishes where parishioners, lay people, clergy and religious communities share resources, responsibilities, and ministry.

Colour key for the Family of ParishesFamily of Parishes

See the Family of Parishes website at


Fr Fergus RyanFr Fergus Ryan


Church of Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Barryroe, Lislevane, Bandon Co.Cork
Republic of Ireland

Telephone: 087 204 0576


There are two Churches in the Parish:

Barryroe Parish Church - Church of Our Lady, Star of the Sea - LislevaneBarryroe (Church of Our Lady, Star of the Sea)

Courtmacsherry (Sacred Heart Church)Courtmacsherry (Sacred Heart Church)