Between February and May 2025, fifteen Families of Parishes in the diocese will host three one-and-a-half-hour sessions (one has already completed their sessions) focusing on these key themes:
- Week 1: Baptism: Gateway to the Faith Community
- Week 2: Eucharist: Nourishment for Mission
- Week 3: Review of the Families of Parishes
Dates are yet to be announced and the meetings in each family of parishes will include a number of parish representatives.
The next phase was discussed at a meeting attended by some Barryroe parishioners held at the Butlerstown Community Centre on Friday 3 January. The meeting was a relaying of what had happened at an informative regional meeting in Fernhill before Christmas at which Barryroe was very well represented by those in leadership positions in the parish.
The next phase consisting in the three meetings will focus on helping parish representatives be up-skilled and prepared for reflecting on the mission of the church in the present world, with the three topics given by Bishop Fintan.
Fr Fergus took the opportunity of the meeting to say a little about himself and his first experience of parish ministry.
The introduction of a parish pastoral council was discussed, with the experiences of parish assembly locally mentioned and changes to the parish since that time. As Fr Fergus has already said publicly, it will be established before the summer, and in our diocese requires initial input from the diocese and subsequent formation of those on the council.
Fr Fergus acknowledged that developing collaboration in pastoral concerns may give rise to frustrations, we need to be understanding both of people's limitations and the directions we receive from outside the parish.
Fr Fergus notes after the meeting: Of the six parishes in this family of parishes, three others along with ourselves also need to set up a parish pastoral council in their parishes. It makes good sense and better use of diocesan resources that we would work with the other parishes and do this together. In this way, the planning and the training could be done together while each parish would be primarily concerned about its own pastoral life.
Further information is available on the Cork & Ross website at