The Barryroe Parish website enables you to make donations online

If you intend to give regularly you might want to consider registering an account as this will conveniently save all your contact details.

So once registered when you wish to make a donation you can Sign In just using your email address and a password

If you do not intend to donate on a regular basis you can choose to Proceed As Guest

Why Register?

There are two main benefits to registering:

  1. Once registered each time you wish to make a donation you can Sign In just using your email and a password (without needing to complete your Name and Address each time)
  2. If you register an account the Parish can submit a tax reclaim to the Revenue e.g. For a Donation of €100 the Parish can claim a further €44.93 making the total value of the donation €144.93

How to Register

You register when you make a donation.

When you click on a button to donate you will be taken to a screen something like this...

Offertory - screen 1

Complete the following:

  • The Amount you wish to donate
  • Your Envelope Number (if not known type none)
  • Optional: If you wish to donate weekly tick the checkbox
  • Now click the Donate button

After checking the amount tick the checkbox to indicate that you agree to the terms & conditions (click to read them)


then click the Proceed button

To register click the Sign Up link here...

sign in

Complete your details on the next form and carefully choose a password you will remember.

If you wish to receive receipts in your email make sure you click Yes here:

receive emails

Then after agreeing to the terms & conditions click


You will then be taken to the following screen to make your donation

payment details

What happens the next time you want to make a donation?

The next time you wish to make a donation instead of clicking the Sign Up link - just click the big Sign In button here:

sign in

Now all you need to do is enter your email and password to Sign In

If you have any questions or need any support please

Contact Denis O'Regan