The parish financial accounts for 2024, prepared independently by a chartered accountant, were approved by the parish finance committee at their meeting on 20th March, and will be sent presently to the diocesan offices.

The committee:

  • noted that the major expense of the work on Barryroe church (€109,000) does not appear in the accounts as the bill was paid in January of this year, and there is upcoming work on Courtmacsherry church and grounds which will also be paid within the current year, both significantly reducing the bank balance of the parish as they appear in the 2024 accounts;
  • the diocesan contributions (10% and 8% of the offertory collections) concerned only the second part of the 2023 payment, and none of the 2024 payment (made in recent weeks);
  • recalled having given Barryroe National School a gift of €50,000 and a loan for the same amount, both for the new car park;
  • was grateful for the bequest from a deceased parishioner for €10,000 received late in 2024;
  • was cognizant that the bequest from the late Ms Terry Dwyer (died 3 November 2023) has yet to be received by the parish.

Barryroe Parish Financial Accounts 2024Barryroe Parish Financial Accounts 2024

Finally, the committee noted the importance of the Income Tax Rebate scheme to the parish finances, and how close the sum of our ordinary expenses is to the ordinary income of the parish.

Here is a summary of accounts:

Barryroe Parish Summary Accounts 2024