October is Safeguarding Month to promote awareness of the very important area of safeguarding in Parish, at home, in schools in all areas where there’s interaction of adults with young people and vulnerable adults
Parish Safeguarding Audits
During this month the yearly Parish Self Audits are undertaken
Garda Vetting
Over the next few months, each family of Parishes will receive a list of the current vetting in place and a spread sheet that may help in keeping a record of those vetted and training attended in the parish.

Safeguarding Representatives
Barryroe Parish safeguarding representatives are Ireneaus and Rose and their role is to promote safeguarding such as:
- Raising awareness of what safeguarding is within the Parish/Diocese
- Ensuring Church activities are provided in a way that ensures the safety and wellbeing of the children involved
- Ensuring that the contact details of the DLP, Gardai and Tusla are widely publicised
The latest Safeguarding publications are always updated and available on the website here: