12 January: The Baptism of the Lord
We’re celebrating Epiphany
To do on Sunday:
Bring your baptismal candle and ensure it is lit on the table like the last time; some people will prepare to read the Prayer of the Faithful (see below).
The priest will ask the First Communion children to come up to the front pews after the Gospel and will chat to them there for a minute or two. Then they will return to their places.
Questions to help you chat at home:
- Do you, or did you, have a crib at home?
- Were there some wise men or Magi or kings in it?
- Did you have them travel up to the crib before they were put in?
- Where were the wise men from?
- What religions did they have?
- What gifts did they bring?
You probably got gifts at Christmas…the people who gave you the gifts gave you something they thought you’d like. No Arsenal jersey for a Man Utd fan! So the wise men brought gifts that were special for the baby Jesus: gold because he’s a king, frankincense because he is also God, myrrh because of his future death on the cross on Good Friday which we celebrate at every Mass.
At Epiphany we celebrate the wise men visiting the baby Jesus with their gifts, showing they understood who Jesus is. In Epiphany week we also recall other events recorded in the Bible which point out that Jesus is God and his important mission for us. His baptism in river Jordan is one of those events. Listen to the Gospel at Mass for the words “this is my son, the beloved”, and the Holy Spirit coming down upon him.
Where in the church?
You’ve already seen where the altar and the ambo are in the church (revise that!).
Where does the priest preside, listen to the readings, and lead people in prayer (other than at the altar)?
Not every church is well laid out for the priest to preside, but Barryroe and Courtmacsherry churches both have places.
In the head church of a diocese, the bishop’s chair for presiding is called the “cathedra” and the church with that chair is called the “cathedral” church.
Here is a picture of Pope Francis’ cathedra in his cathedral (John Lateran Basilica in Rome)
By Tango7174 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
Here is a picture of our bishop’s cathedra from behind, and he is standing in front of it. The picture shows us what he sees during Mass…maybe some people coming in late.
Bishop of the Diocese of Cork & Ross, Most Reverend Fintan Gavin saying evening prayer at the World Day for Consecrated Life celebration at the North Cathedral, Cork. 2 Feb 2023
Picture: David Creedon - Source: Diocese of Cork + Ross
Where in the Parish?
- Where in our parish is there a “Mass rock”?
- When there was a problem having churches in our country, people gathered in remote places for Mass and a rock was used for the altar. We have a Mass rock in our parish. Do you know where it is?
It’s at a place called Béal an Aifrinn, down a road off the New Line between Lislevane and Courtmacsherry.
Singing at Mass
Here is a hymn for Epiphany that recalls events which showed people who Jesus was – the wise men, his baptism, his changing water into wine at a wedding in Cana, healing sick people, etc.
Prayer of the Faithful (12 January 2025)
Priest: As we celebrate the Lord’s Epiphany in his baptism, let us pray to God that he make us ever conscious of his presence among us:
- For the bishops, successors of the apostles, that they may steadfastly pass on the faith of the apostles in Jesus, God in man made manifest. (pause). Lord, hear us.
- For those who, like the wise men, search for truth and meaning, that they may find it in the Lord Jesus. (pause). Lord, hear us.
- For refugees, unwilling migrants and outcasts, that they may receive food, shelter and a generous welcome in their time of need. (pause). Lord, hear us.
- For all preparing for First Communion, that they may grow closer to the baby Jesus. (pause). Lord, hear us.
- For political leaders — that they may have wisdom. (pause). Lord, hear us.
- For peace in our troubled world. (pause). Lord, hear us.
The priest will add the final intercession for the faithful departed, mentioning names. Then he will conclude the Prayer of the Faithful….through Christ our Lord. Amen.
After this, all six readers may return to their seats.