During our safeguarding month in the Diocese, we ask you to keep in your prayers those affected by abuse, violence and war. Using the words of Khalil Gibran 'Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being.’

The 2021 parish safeguarding audits showed that children’s ministry in parishes is slowly returning following the pandemic. We actively encourage children to be involved in the Church and we have developed procedures, policies and forms to assist parishes in this Ministry. For further guidance or assistance with restarting children’s ministry, Cleo Yates, Diocesan Director of Safeguarding will be more than happy to assist and can be contacted here
The Diocese sees safeguarding training and education as a priority. To maintain high standards and good practice it is essential that relevant Church Personnel, both paid and unpaid, receive appropriate safeguarding training. Our training plans can be found on the Diocesan website. The diocesan trainers are happy to undertake any safeguarding training that is requested.
As we start to see church activities increase, we are always looking at updating our policies, guidance and forms. We have updated all forms / templates to make them user friendly and we have introduced a Safeguarding Policy for Pilgrimages. Resources for Parishes
Ms Cleo YatesWe thank you for your continued support in the area of safeguarding
Kind regards
Cleo Yates
Director of Safeguarding
Diocese of Cork and Ross
Redemption Road