From the beginning of June 2023 each Sunday Mass (including Saturday Vigil Masses) may be offered for up to three intentions
Weekday Masses will continue to be offered for one family.
We ask that, if possible, weekend Masses be offered for people whose Month’s Mind, First Anniversary or
Recently anniversary falls on these dates.
The experience for priest and people will be that up to three intentions may be recorded and prayed for.
The priest will receive offerings for one Mass intention. Should there be further intentions for the same Mass, offerings for these will be passed on elsewhere where needed.
We are blessed as six priests in the local family of six parishes are committed to supporting and helping one another
Summer time presents a particular challenge because the timetable of Masses we have at weekends is only sustainable if all six priests in the Family of Parishes are all available. As well as time for holidays, along with weekend Masses, priests will also attend to other ministries including funerals, weddings, baptisms, care homes and daily Masses.
In recent weeks, meetings have been held with parishioners from all six parishes to gather comments and feedback. The priests have taken these on board to create a fair and sustainable timetable for the months of June, July and August.
From Saturday 3 June to Sunday 27 August inclusive, the weekend Mass times will be as follows:
Saturday Vigil Mass
- 6:30pm - Lisavaird
- 7:00pm - Clonakilty
- 7:30pm - Timoleague or Courtmacsherry (alternate weeks)
Sunday Mass
- 8:30am - Clonakilty
- 10:00am - Ardfield or Rathbarry (alternate weeks)
- 10:00am - Barryroe or Clogagh (alternate weeks)
- 10:00am - Darrara (alternate weeks)
- 11:00am - Rossmore or Bealad (alternate weeks)
- 11:30am - Clonakilty
- 11:30am - Rosscarbery
Fr. Ted Collins, Fr. Tom Hayes, Fr. John Kingston, Fr John McCarthy, Fr. Dave O’Connell, Fr. Fergus Tuohy
You can check weekend Mass Times across the Family of Parishes using this link
Family of Parishes Mass Calendar
and here is a link to
Barryroe Parish received a letter of thanks from Sister Bride Counihan LSA
Sister Bride visited the parish on 15-16 April to tell us about the missionary work of the Little Sisters of The Assumption with the poor living in the developing world.
Little Sisters of the Assumption
You can view the talk here
The missionary appeal raised €1,410 Here is a letter of thanks we received from Sister Bride
Donations to the Little Sisters of the Assumption (Overseas Missions) can still be made using the following button
Five priests from around Ireland share how they followed their vocation in this 15 minute video
This video was made by the Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother at the petition of the National Vocations Office (an office within the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference) for the Year for Vocations to the Diocesan Priesthood.
Please could parishioners return Trócaire boxes
Many thanks to those who have taken boxes for the appeal during lent.
Returned boxes can be left immediately after Mass within the next ten days in Courtmacsherry or Barryroe Churches
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- Changes to Mass Times for the Summer
- Livestream Easter Vigil from Timoleague
- Penitential Service - Mon 3 Apr 2023
- Lifting of Last Remaining Covid Restrictions
- Day of Prayer for Survivors and Victims of Abuse 2023
- WYD 2023 update
- Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund Annual Collection
- Job Vacancy: Secretary for the Family of Parishes
- Sunday of the Word of God - 22 January
- Sycamore Series for Young Adults
- Synodal Sunday reflection - 8 Jan 2023
- Synodal Sunday reflection - 1 Jan 2023
- A note regarding Weekly Boxes 2023 from Fr Dave
- Barryroe Carol Service - 18 Dec 2022
- Christmas Dates 2022
- New Year, New Mass
- Trócaire Gifts of Love
- Bidding Prayers and Sunday Reflection
- Youth 2000 Munster Retreat - 18/20 Nov
- November Blessing of Graves and Cemetery Prayers
Saint of the Day
Latest Notices
Diocesan News
- Jubilee of Consecrated Life Celebrated at Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne
- Launch of Jubilee of Youth Pilgrimage to Rome
- Over 50 young adults partake in two faith formation programmes
- Boys' post-primary school in Cork welcomes bishop for his first visit
- CONNECT leadership group plans for events to reach out to young people